Daily maintenance of drilling rig

Maintenance and Maintenance of Wire Rope for Rotary Drilling Rig

The wire rope is one of the key parts of the rotary drilling rig, and it is a wearing part. Maintaining and maintaining the wire rope as required can improve the service life of the wire rope and avoid accidents.

  1. Check the wire rope
    It is very dangerous to use worn or damaged wire ropes. Always check the wire rope for wear and damage. When the wire rope breaks during work, the damage it will cause will be devastating to the entire drilling rig or pile hole. Therefore, we especially remind and ask you not to forget the inspection and maintenance of the wire rope when using this drilling rig. As the working hours of the machine increase, the wire rope will wear and decay, so it is necessary to check its use and correct any errors before each shift.
    1.1 Observe the lubrication of the wire rope.
    The wire rope is usually lubricated during processing, including surface and internal lubrication, which can protect the rope from corrosion and dry friction of the inner wire, and also lubricate the inner and outer surfaces of the wire rope during movement. Initial lubrication can be maintained for a longer period of time. When it is observed that the wire rope has poor lubrication or less lubricating oil, it needs to be oiled in time. When lubricating, pay attention to different degrees of wear and use different greases:
    a. When the rope slides on the pulley or rolls on the drum, the SAE30W type lubricating oil is generally used to penetrate the crack of the rope to effectively lubricate the wire rope.
    b. When the rope is severely worn, use grease with better viscosity properties to lubricate to reduce mechanical wear, such as high viscosity oil or light grease containing graphite and molybdenum disulfide binding additives.
    C. When the rope comes into contact with loose abrasives (dirt, sand, etc.), the lubricating oil/grease outside the rope will stick to these
    objects, which can cause severe wear on the ropes and pulleys. In this case, the surface of the wire rope must be cleaned and lubricated in time.
    Methods of lubricating wire ropes:
    a. Perform a continuous bath on the rope, that is, let the rope slide through the container with lubricating oil, and remove the excess oil from the rope with a cloth.
    b. Brush oil/grease on the rope. Apply the oil with a cloth or brush.
    C. Use a spray gun to lubricate the rope with oil.
    1.2 Observe the fatigue condition of the wire rope.
    The steel wire rope will also gradually fatigue during long-term use. The aging process can be simply expressed as: wear → bending → corrosion and drag → fatigue → plastic deformation → wire fracture → wire rope fracture; the main phenomenon of fatigue inspection is to observe the fracture of the inner wire of the wire rope and the bending deformation of the wire rope. For example, the following measures should be taken in the following common situations of wire rope:
    a. When several strands of steel wire are found to be broken on the outside of the wire rope, the wire rope must be replaced in time, otherwise there may be danger.
    b. When it is found that the strands of the wire rope are deformed, that is, when several strands of steel wires in the wire rope are obviously protruding from the inner layer to the outer layer, the rope in this case indicates that a large plastic deformation has occurred locally, and it is easy to lift heavy objects for a long time. When you have a flying imagination. If there are several places, the rope must be changed immediately.
    C. When it is found that the wire rope is twisted very tightly in a spiral shape and there are many burrs on the outermost steel wire, if the wire rope becomes thinner in a certain part, it is necessary to change the rope immediately.